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The Balfour Declaration, Professor Donna Robinson Divine

March 15, 2017 7:30 pm
March 15, 2017 9:00 pm
Mandelbaum House
(02) 9692 5240
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385 Abercrombie Street, Darlington, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2008

Balfour Declaration – Donna Robinson Divine
The Balfour Declaration and the Transformation of Mandate Palestine into a Jewish National Home.
2017 is the anniversary of several landmark events in Jewish history, including the Balfour Declaration of 1917. This talk will explain how, particularly, in the first decade of the British Mandate, Zionists structured their policies to meet wildly different sets of expectations that often conflicted with one another. Professor Donna Robinson Divine is a distinguished scholar in Middle East Politics. She is the Morningstar Family Professor of Jewish Studies and Professor of Government, Emerita at Smith College.

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